Wim Vermeulen
Responsible marketing in a sustainable world
Wim is a strategist, author, keynote speaker, and partner at Bubka.
His work focuses on the 'Demand Shift', examining how corporate sustainability drives business growth, enhances brand value, and inspires consumers toward less but more sustainable consumption.
In 2023, his contributions were recognized by the marketing industry with the Silver Marketing Leadership Award, and his latest book, Speak Up Now, received the PIM Literature Award in the Netherlands.
In 2024, BUBKA was awarded Agency of the Year in the Positive Impact category, and its Net Credibility Score (NCS) research work won an AMMA award.
​Wim has compiled his expertise into four keynotes. Discover them below.

PIM literatuur prijs 2023

We know that the drive for greater sustainability affects every aspect of what a company or a brand does. We also know that many consumers doubt the sincerity of companies' sustainability efforts. Because many are not yet convinced, they judge how sustainable products are marketed differently. Yet we market sustainable products as we market regular products. And this is causing a huge credibility deficit: less than one out of ten advertising campaigns for sustainable products turn out to be credible for the consumers. So how do you market sustainability then? That’s the question 'Speak Up Now, Marketing in times of climate crises' wants to answer.
Book of the Month
Belgian association of marketing

"Brand purpose advertising has had a rough ride with marketing scientists who argue that in general it does not drive business success. In the context of the most important purpose we face today – sustainability – Wim Vermeulen explores this challenge and reminds us that people are increasingly expecting companies to help solve the problems we face. Wim is rightly critical of greenwashing and demonstrates how widespread a problem it is. But he also points out that just because many companies wrongly think they can get away with incredible claims, doesn’t mean that credible advertising is ineffective. This is a must-read for marketers in any business that is committed to sustainability – and a wake-up call to the others."
Peter Field
Godfather of marketing effectiveness
“Action is what the world needs today. Speak up Now! is important to read for any marketer who is committed to help the planet and wants to understand how to speak the language of the new climate normal”.
Paul Polman
Business leader, climate and equality
campaigner, co-author of Net Positive
"To moderate the climate crisis, the business sector must deliver. Just labelling a product 'sustainable' is not enough. Wim Vermeulen convincingly demonstrates that advertising professionals - the architects of desire - must be part of the solution, refuse to further greenwash products, and instead lead the conversation towards true climate neutrality".
Prof. Dr. Felix Creutzig
Lead Author of the IPCC's AR6
MCC Berlin
“In this wonderfully written and engaging book, Vermeulen makes a robust and compelling case for the powerful role that marketers can play toward addressing the climate emergency. Anyone in the marketing and advertising field who is interested in learning how to speak the language of the new climate normal, and how to lead net-zero campaigns should read this book!”
Prof. Dr. Ioannis Ioannou
London Business School
In this book, Wim Vermeulen and Prof. Dr. Gino Verleye present the results of their research on sustainability. They analyse what companies and policymakers should know about the sustainable Belgians. How worried are they about the climate problem ? Do they believe that we will get the climate problem under control? Who should take the lead the sustainable transition and whom do they trust? How many Belgians are already adapting their lifestyle? You will find these and other insights in their book.
"A brilliant and compellingly written exploration of the truths and nonsenses of marketing effectiveness.
Loaded with intriguing case studies and hard data, it is entertaining and informing in equal measure.
I wish I had written it."
Peter Field
Marketing Consultant and Author
"This is a fantastic book. A must-read for every marketer and especially the digital marketer, who drives data-driven strategies"
"A great book to introduce the new generation of marketers and advertisers to the profession and psychology of today's demanding consumer."
"An extremely comprehensive and up-to-date book on how marketers should market their brand in a post-digital world."

The Decade of Action is a documentary on sustainability and why businesses need to go all-in.
The Decade of Action is a documentary on why businesses need to put sustainability at the top of the corporate agenda, featuring Paul Polman (ex-CEO Unilever), Frans Timmermans, Pia Heidenmark Cook (Ikea), Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Ilham Kadri (CEO Solvay), Ryan Gellert (CEO Patagonia) and others.
academic research
Together with Prof. Dr. Gino Verleye we tested campaigns advertising sustainable products or services. Only 9.7% turned out to be credible for the consumers. So how do you advertise sustainability then? This academic research paper points to the drivers of credibility.
The paper was published on Frontiers.org and has received significant academic attention.
Since we started this research four years ago, we have tested 400 sustainable campaigns and found that 12% of them are credible to consumers, a slight increase. In this webinar Veerle Hellemans (Head of Market Intelligence at VAR), Charlie Wilson (Professor of Energy & Climate Change, University of Oxford), Sam Hampton (Senior Researcher, University of Oxford) and I explain the latest results, discuss why it is important to further increase credibility, and outline how brands can achieve this.​
speak up now,
for keeping silent
is doing nothing.
'Answers-Only' Sessions
Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and empowered! My new keynote program "Answers-Only Sessions" explore evidence-based strategies for implementing sustainable business practices. Available in two formats: a 20-40 minute keynote or a 90-minute workshop.
contact & booking
If you are interested in the Anwers-Only keynotes or workshops or just want to have a chat, please use this form.
about me
Wim is the Director of Strategy and Sustainability at Bubka. He is a Lecturer at the Solvay Business School, Vlerick Business School and an international keynote speaker.
He holds a master in both Political and Communication Science and studied management and marketing strategy at Cambridge and Oxford University. Recently he studied Corporate Sustainability at the London Business School.
He worked in London, New York, Moscow and Brussels before he became partner at Bubka.